BOPIS (Filipino Pulutan)


WARNING!!!  If you’re a bit squeamish on exotic dishes , please stop now and just jump on Busog! Sarap! Recipe Archives and select something tame to view.  But if you’re game enough to read something quite different and delicious please read on….



Kulinarya’s theme for the month of April 2011 is Decadence.


What Foodie Decadence means to me, are dishes that are only served once in awhile.  Not really recommended for everyday consumption as the dishes usually are high in calories and very rich.  I’ve chosen Bopis for this month’s challenge as the ingredients are a bit exotic to a newbie and I haven’t seen somebody yet eat platefuls of this dish in one go.

Bopis is served during drinking sessions in the Philippines as “pulutan”.  I love Filipino foodie ingenuity to come up with beautiful dishes from otherwise unvaluable animal parts.  Did you know that the best “pulutan” cooks are the drinkers themselves.

This is the first time I’ve tried cooking Bopis and the result was good base on Mr. H feedback.  The last Bopis we bought from a Filipino shop was too watery oily with that annatto powder grittiness, this  version is way better.  Even Ms. Picky Eater loves this Bopis version of mine with steam rice even with the slight chili kick.




1/2 kg pig’s hearts

1/4 kg pig’s liver

2 bay leaves

3-4 black peppercorns

2-3 garlic cloves

1/2 red onion

1/2 large red capsicum, deseeded and trimmed

2 bird eye’s chili, slightly deseeded

2 tbspn cooking oil

2 tspn annatto powder

1/3 cup white vinegar

3/4 cup water

1/8 cup ketchup

4 tspn fish sauce

pinch of black ground pepper

*used U.S Measuring Cups & Spoons


~  Finely minced your garlic, finely dice your onion,  red capsicum and bird eye chili.




~  Rinse your pig’s hearts with cold water and place it in a medium saucepan.  Add in your bay leaves, peppercorns and cover with enough water to fully submerge the hearts.  Place your saucepan over your stove top and bring to boil.  Reduce heat to simmering stage and let it simmer for about 1 hour.  Once the hearts are fully cooked, drain the water off and place them in a bowl to completely cool down.   When the hearts are cool to touch, finely dice and set aside.

~  Finely chop up the liver into small pieces and place in a bowl, separated from the chopped pig’s hearts.


~  Heat your cooking oil on high and once the oil is hot, reduce the heat to medium-high.  Add in your Annatto Powder and briefly infuse it to your oil.  Stir in your garlic and onion, let them slightly brown up,  add in your finely diced pig’s hearts and let it cook for a minute.  Pour in your chopped up pig’s liver and stir it in so that the pieces of liver gets distributed well.  Cook for another minute or so, till you can see the liver is half cooked.


~  Add in your ground pepper, fish sauce, finely diced chili and vinegar.  Mix the mixture well.


~  Add your ketchup and your finely diced capsicum , sauté it for 10-15 seconds.  Pour in your water and let the mixture simmer till the liquid is just hardly covering the base of the pan.


~  Turn off your stove and place your Bopis in a preheated sizzling plate or if you don’t have one, prepare your serving platter with a big lettuce leaf and place all your Bopis inside the lettuce.


BEST WITH:  Cold beers with your mates….or just simple Sinangag (Garlic Fried Rice).


  • Pig’s lungs are one of the main ingredients of Bopis but it is so hard to get this particular ingredient where I live, so I just opted for only the heart and liver…..still tasted good, even without the lungs!
  • If you’re lucky to find Pig’s lungs, just use 1/4 kg for heart and 1/4 kg for lungs, boil them as instructed and finely diced them together.
  • I didn’t use a food processor to dice the hearts and liver, I manually finely diced them with a knife to achieve that uniformed cube shapes, I’m such a sucker for the final look of the dish=)


  1. To be honest with you I haven't tried bopis yet but I'm sure when my hubs sees this, a lot of his drinking memories would surface. I have to show this when he wakes up. For me I don't know how I can go back to sleep after reading your post. I want to have a spoomful of this right now haha.great post on decadence.

  2. Wow Althea!. It's been a while since I've had bopis. My aunt used to make this and I remember her using the old wood cutting board (sangkalan) with two cleavers to chop all the goodies like you have here. Then she would scrape it off the cutting board, so we're not sure if we were eating part of the wood too! LOL! Really best with lungs if you can find it where you live. Great job on this dish because I'm drooling. Please make mine with lots of siling labuyo.

  3. That is so mouthwatering. I have eaten this dish and do like it. We don't cook this at home so I've never learned to make it myself. I don't think I'm brave enough to buy the ingredients :)

  4. My husband would love that.

  5. @Malou~ The first time I've tasted Bopis was in Goldilocks while Mr. H and I were dating, he loves the stuff...but I only ate a spoonful and forgot about the dish. Lately I've been intrigue on how to make a home version, because we've been buying feral versions of should try a Bopis Fried Rice, really nice!

    @Ray~ Bwahahaha! I can imagine the wear and tear of the chopping board of your Auntie=) That's what makes it delicious...Now you made me want to really try the lungs, I have to order in advance as my butcher said it was hard to come by...Oh yes...plenty of siling labuyo to wake up the senses=)

    @Adora~ I do agree the ingredients where a bit nerve wrecking (specially the hearts)but once it's all chopped up, can't really tell which is which=) I love it when our Australian guests, taste Sisig, Bopis and Tokwa't Baboy...and when they found out what the ingredients are, they just shrugged it off as they find them delicious=)

    @Joy~ Yes, hubbies love Bopis as how they love their Sisig=)

  6. I'm not a fan of Bopis but I do have to tell you, your post made me reminisce of the parties we had not only in our house but my uncles' Growing up in the Philippines one of my fondest memories was knowing that every weekend, there will be a party somewhere and I get to see my cousins. Bopis was one of the dishes that my uncle always served.

  7. I haven't had innards since my Lola passed away. She used to make the most fantastic Ilocano version of Bopis called Dinaldalem. But your Bopis sure looks delicious and worth revisiting!

  8. anaiahsdad25.4.11

    yummy! I love bopis! but I like it a little dry.

  9. this is a personal favorite.....i usually cook mine with the lights (lungs) i'm looks so yummy!

  10. Bopis!! My mom makes this often for us when we were kids, it's my sister's favorite. I haven't tried making this myself, though. Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Easter, to you and your tribe, Althea!

  11. Anonymous25.4.11

    This is one of my faves but I remember my mom didn't make it that often - she doesn't like chopping! So I only have this when I'm eating out. But now I want some!!! I really love this dish!

  12. @Gustoso~ Thankyou so much for adding me=)

  13. first tasted this when i was in college...wasn't hooked at first since the bopis that was given to me was watery. but when a friend from Pampanga served this dish i immediately loved it! lol

  14. Anonymous28.4.11

    my bf would love this but i cant stand liver and guts :)

  15. Haven't had bopis for so long! Thanks for reminding me how good this dish is;)

  16. whoa, I've never had this but if it's as good as sisig, I'm there.

  17. anaiahsdad1.5.11

    hi Cusinera, may I know where you buy your pork? not necessarily the bopis ingredients, your pork supply. I had a couple of negative experience buying pork from Coles, because of the distinct odor-flavor of the pork comparable to boars. I got lucky sometimes with Woolworths pork. But as of the moment, though I love pork, I'm not cooking any pork dishes. Thanks!

  18. @anaiahsdad~ My regular hangouts would be the shops in Inala, cheap compare to major supermarkets and what they offer are always fresh because there are more people who buys daily so they have new stock available. But since I've started buying my meat in Inala, I hardly encounter smelly pork. I agree with Coles and Woolies pork meat...most of the time they have the funky smelling ones and the bad thing about their packaging is that you can't smell the meat.

    My tip if you buy in Inala, open the plastic bag and sniff your meat, if it have that distinct odour, tell them and let them sniff it themselves, ask them for a different batch. They know that smell...Asians shoppers don't like that odour.

    I read that good pork meat comes from females and the males got that smelly meat. They say because the males are not castrated while they are young that they have that distinct meat odour. In the Philippines only the "Bulogan" (male breeder) keeps his family jewels=)

  19. anaiahsdad3.5.11

    thank you very much ms Cusinera for the tips, I'll definitely make plans to visit Inala soon. God Bless.

  20. Hi Bb. Cusinera,

    I am most amazed that you still uphold our Filipino culture though you are on the other side of the world. So proud of knowing people like you. I grew up in a family who also loves eating Filipino foods and at home naman, my husband loves to cook and of course me and our kids are his avid clients :). I'm currently doing a diet project for us and these includes compiling good recipes but not without nutritional content. Your detailed posts will do help me trying it at home. Thanks and ingat. :)Ann from Rodriguez Rizal, Philippines

  21. @Anna V.~ thankyou for your wonderful msg=) Cooking Filipino dishes is really a journey for me to deepen my knowledge in Filipino culture. I got so much to learn =) It's really wonderful to find out that people appreciates my step by step detailed is another way also to prove that recipes in Busog! Sarap! doesn't have missing ingredients and I personally tried and tested the dishes=) Have fun on your diet project for your family, wishing you all the best!

  22. i tried this. wow! this is the pulutan my barkadas would love. i have this blog and i posted my bopis there but its the poorman's bopis because it is the easy and simple version of bopis. id like to share it with you. here is the recipe

  23. Anonymous26.2.13

    im planning to try this tomorrow and it's going to be my first time to cook bopis. may i just ask what kind of ketchup you used? is ufc banana ketchup ok? thanks!

  24. Anonymous10.8.13

    YUUUMMMM!! I'm pregnant right now and I always crave traditional filipino food every time I'm preggers. I could probably eat a whole platter of this on top of some garlic fried rice. Thank you for the recipe. I'm already salivating.


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