pritong itlog© BUSOG! SARAP! 2009

You might think that it is silly, posting a recipe on how to fry an egg but I am that kind of person who wants to cover all the basics on a certain dish.  I’ll be discussing the “silogs” range after this post and fried egg is one of the essential ingredients.  I don’t like fried eggs that are too crispy or burnt.  Miss M doesn’t like to eat the crispy ones as she complains it got bits that scratches her throat.  So here’s the basic recipe how to fry an egg, the Busog! Sarap! way…




2 tbspn cooking oil



itlog© BUSOG! SARAP! 2009



~ Heat oil in a large non stick frying pan in medium heat.  Once cooking oil is hot, lower heat into medium low.

pinipritong itlog© BUSOG! SARAP! 2009

~ Slowly break an egg on one side of the pan, sprinkle some salt on top of the egg.  Once you see that the bottom side of the egg is solid white, like the one in the upper top of the picture, flip it over quickly with your spatula or flipper.  To do this, make sure you inserted your spatula under the egg about more than halfway and flip it over, making sure your flip action is not too high so that you won’t break the egg yolk.  Once you’ve done this, you can add another egg on the opposite side of the pan.  Once the other side turns white, your egg is cooked but with a runny egg yolk.  If you want a well done fried egg, cook it a little bit further until the yolk becomes solid.

mga pritong itlog© BUSOG! SARAP! 2009

~ If you find your additional eggs seems to be a bit dry on the pan, add a little bit of more oil so it slides more easily.  So there you have it…my version of how to fry an egg.


NOTES:  Medium-low heat gives you more time to flip the eggs without burning them.

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