You must be wondering, why I picked out this name for my food blog?  I’ve been thinking of a unique name for quite sometime now, not too stupid or out of this planet.  As I was born in the Philippines, I have chosen two words, that I think best describe my food blog.  Busog – means “to be full” and Sarap – means “delicious” in Tagalog.

This is a huge leap for me as I have many “what ifs”.  Been reading other people’s blogs for helpful advices – how to start a blog, writing with right spelling, grammar and giving credit to resources that you use if it’s not your own, how to take the right picture of your food…etc.  My mind was about to explode…as I take all this information in, my ever enduring Mr.H (husband) have to listen to my constant pestering blubbering about me starting a food blog, what not to do and how to do it properly.  Finally, yesterday while driving to a post christening lunch, he took a deep breath and with his serious voice told me if I want to start a food blog, I better start now, because if I have to digest all the info in the net, I will lose my aim of  having a fun, light hearted food blog.  So, here I am now taking the plunge to the waves of the blog world and joining in the millions of bloggers in this big, wide hum-hum we called cyberspace.

I am not perfect you see, in this blog of mine you will see words that haven’t been found in the dictionary, as  a matter a fact my sister and brothers  use to tease me when we were younger that I have a unique dictionary of words, that only I understands.  You never know, this quirk of mine might make me stand out from the rest.  But to me, all that matters is the food…buying the ingredients, cooking it or just eating out.  I think most of you will understand the passion and happiness that it brings, if you’re an addict foodie just like me.

Enough said, let me end this first post of mine and cut the big red bow now at the entrance of Busog! Sarap! and welcome you all!  Wow, it was not that hard as I imagine, posting my first post.

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